After what seems like a year most, the heartbeat of Tulsa’s music scene has begun to beat again. In reality, it’s been just over two months since the city went on a sort of lockdown. Corona Virus and it’s resulting disease COVID-19 stopped the entire county in its tracks. As a result, Tulsa’s booming live music community was left in a state of suspension. As those few but not so short months wore on, we all grew restless and frustrated.
Fortunately, as the state and Tulsa begin to relax and breathe, so the music is beginning to return. One can be forgiven for feeling “The Sound of Silence” all that much more when it comes on the radio. Now that the ice has been broken, thanks to venues like The Shrine with their “Save the Shrine” event, other bars and clubs are beginning to let the bands return to the stage. Social media is beginning to buzz once again with the promotional flyers circulating the groups and bands and street teams are beginning to promote again. This could not have come soon enough for many.
Now that the pulse is back, the larger venues will begin opening and the music scene that’s been in hibernation will come back with a tsunami of energy and creativity. Most artists had more time than ever to write and create. Many bands took advantage of this and are planning to record and release new albums. This also means more will be looking to tour and promote. This is much appreciated as we all come out for air and rock. Queue Aerosmith’s “Back in the Saddle Again”
Surviving Rocklahoma is dedicated to giving all those in the community tools to stay in tune with Tulsa’s pulse. That said, head on over to the calendar where the list is ever-expanding to help keep everyone in the loop as to who’s playing where. While there, feel free to click the “Subscribe to calendar” link at the bottom and it’ll sync to your Google calendar so you’re always in the know.
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